Give your license to your friends & don't post it in public (here).
It into the VDH Settings dialog wherever you might be using it. Just keep your license somewhere you can cut/paste Instances of the given browser you may have on each system. Your license is good on every system you own, and for however many It also covers every instance of the given browser on your systems. They are not transferable from one browser to another. There is a license for Firefox, aĭifferent license for Chrome, and yet a third one for Edge. You don't have to payĪs for browsers, the license is by browser type. When it comes to updates, they just appear & you can install them. You can get free support for life right here. That was going to be their business model at some point in antiquity. I don't really know why the web site talks about free support for just one year. Group & post helpful answers, including Michel (MIG) who is the developer of the product. On the other hand, employees of VDH do monitor this
For example, I'm aįellow user, not an employee of VDH. It'sīasically a co-operative effort by fellow users to help each other. When it comes to support, this Google Group is the support mechanism.