The game does not fix the displayed level (ie. The reason for that is the game (assuming you are playing online/patched version of the game) will automatically fix your level down to first legitimately obtainable level (50 for vanilla/61 for UVHM package) upon loading the character in-game. I'd prefer to keep this weapon and shield (shield has about 4 billion points to it) if at all possible. If anyone has advice on how to get around this, or anything helpful, that'd be awesome. For some reason, maybe because i FAR exceeded the level cap for the game, it won't let me equip either of these items. now, I tried to make a gun and a shield for the game, at level 125. Not a real big surprise, I like being OP. I've been using the Gibbed Save Editor for BorderLands2. Forums: Index > Watercooler > Gibbed Gun Mod not working properlyĪlright, so.